Rannoch Adventure are arguably the best ocean rowing boat builders & designed my 7 metre long rowing boat the R25 SOLO.
I have already taken ownership my boat ‘Jazzy’, named after my wife.
I am now focused on conducting 300+ hours of practice in the Solent and around the Ilse of White familiarising myself with every inch of the boat.


The beating heart of Jazzy
Solar panels on the roof of each cabin convert sunlight into electricity.
Two large lithium batteries store the power needed to power all of the boats onboard systems, from chart plotter and navigation equipment to the essential water maker.

Let’s take a look around Jazzy
The forward cabin serves as my living quarters measuring 6 x 3ft - the same volume as a red telephone box and my our only shelter from storms. It also houses the electronic navigation equipment.
Atlantic Campaigns – provide a number of safety measures including a 24/7 Duty / Safety Officer permanently on call. With all participants calling in daily at a set time.
Before the race several safety inspections take place for each team ensuring the required safety standard is reached.
Three safety sailing yachts provide fleet cover
& daily weather updates are provided.
Life Raft – A small 4 person self-inflating life raft is used if I have to abandon the boat. It is essentially a buoyant platform for emergency use at sea. The life raft is equipped with survival provisions
Radar Reflector - Large cargo ships could easily miss a tiny rowing boat in a big swell. This piece of equipment amplifies the boats radar reflection and alerts oncoming vessels of my position.
AIS - The Automatic Identification System automatically broadcast vessel GPS position, preventing collisions between us and large super tankers !
Safety is the first consideration on the boat which is equipped with the state of the art safety and survival equipment.
I will be attached to the boat at all times using a 3 point safety harness.
The boat is equipped with state of the art communications equipment.
This includes a VHF radio to communicate with other shipping and three satellite phones.
A Garmin InReach text messaging system that will allow me to stay in touch globally & a BGAN which is a means of connecting to the internet whilst in the middle of the ocean!
The Chart Plotter navigation system connects to the Auto tiller system, in the stern cabin, which automatically turns the rudder to the required bearing.
All ocean R25 SOLO rowing boats also have hand & footplate manual stirring systems.
My Garmin Chart Plotter is an electronic device that displays nautical charts & utilises GPS to plot ones position.
It is used to navigate the most efficient route across the ocean, as well as steering a course to avoid dangerous weather systems.
The boat can pick up barnacles that attach themselves to the underside of the boat.
This creates drag and friction that in turn slows the boats progress through the water.
As a result regular scrapping of the hull is required to remove these and keep the hull smooth.
The boat has a number of water tight lockers on the deck and in the aft cabin where everything from food to equipment is safely stored.
A parachute sea anchor is 9 foot wide & made of nylon which is used in heavy weather.
Under the waves the parachute fills up with water & provides hydrodynamic drag, thereby acting as a brake, stabilizing the boat and limiting its progress through the water.
It keeps the nose of the boat windward and into the incoming waves in heavy seas and limits drift in the wrong direction.
Food is the currency of moral on board!
I must carry everything that I need to survive for the entire journey. Freeze dried meals are rehydrated in hot water using a JETBOIL.
Atlantic rowers typically consume 6,000-8,000 calories a day. These meals are supplemented with snack packs of delicious treats to keep me going!
Contrary to popular belief there is no en-suite bathroom on board !
Rowers use a bucket then chuck it approach to sanitation. Supplemented with lots of wet wipes to get rid of the salt crystals that build up on ones skin that ultimately lead to salt sores if not washed off regularly.
The deck is the powerhouse of the boat with one rowing position on the R25 SOLO.
Ocean rowers bottoms are susceptible to pressure ulcers caused by the biomechanics of rowing over 18 hours a day!
Salty science !
Salt water is drawn up from below the boat and converted into safe drinking water using this amazing piece of kit called the Schenker Zen 30.
This is my essential means of fresh water and survival at sea. If it fails I have a back up hand pump desalinator called a Katadyn Survivor.

To learn more please click on the area of interest.

EPIRB - Emergency position indicating radio beacon transmits a signal via a satellite & is used to alert search and rescue services in the event of an emergency.
PLB – Personal Locator Beacons are in essence a personal EPIRB registered to a specific person. It is an electronic transmitting device designed to alert potential rescuers to a life threatening situation when activated in water.